Tuesday, March 29, 2016

ISTE Standards for Coaches

While you may not be an instructional coach or technology coach in your building you still are a leader in the use of technology in your classroom.  How do the ISTE Standards for Coaches influence your interactions with your colleagues in promoting transformation in classroom instruction?

ISTE Standards for Coaches

Guiding Questions (choose a question to expand on)
How does this connect to leadership?
How do the Coach Standards apply to being a leader in your building?
What will you do to extend your professional learning after the cohort has finished?

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

ISTE Student Standards

Last get together we took a look at the ISTE Standards for Teachers. This week we take a look at the ISTE Standards for Students (new draft)

Choose a Standard to reflect on

Guiding Questions (choose a question to expand on)
How does this connect to leadership?
What do you think of the ISTE Student standards?
Are there glaring additions or omissions you would address? 
Are these standards “doable” in your classroom?