Monday, November 11, 2013

Flipped: Exit Slips November 13th Reflections

Exit Slips: The Many Uses of Exit Slips ( Robert J. Marzano )

 After reading this article.
1) Can exit slips be a part of how teachers and students are informed about progress in a flipped classroom?
2) Which of the four (4) types of exit slips connected most with you?
3) What questions do you still have?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

IW: January - The NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies

Even though not everyone in Inspired Writing is a Language Arts teacher, we all still write in our content areas.

Updated February 2013
Adopted by the NCTE Executive Committee, February 15, 2008
Literacy has always been a collection of cultural and communicative practices shared among members of particular groups. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the 21st century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies are multiple, dynamic, and malleable. As in the past, they are inextricably linked with particular histories, life possibilities, and social trajectories of individuals and groups. Active, successful participants in this 21st century global society must be able to

  • Develop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology;
  • Build intentional cross-cultural connections and relationships with others so to pose and solve problems collaboratively and strengthen independent thought;
  • Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes;
  • Manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information;
  • Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts;
  • Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments.

This definition for me shows the strong connection to the TPACK model we spoke about in August     ( refer to the following post for a review of TPACK )
1) Which of the six bullet points in the NCTE definition aligns the most with what your students have been doing/working on this fall?
2) Why? Is there something else that you feel should be in the list?

IW: October - Reflections on the start of the year

As the month of October wraps up.  

1) How has the beginning of the year started?  What successes and challenges have you faced integrating technology?

2) What online writing tools have you tried or plan on trying this fall?

3) What are you still wanting/needing to learn?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

IW: November Why Digital Writing Matters in Education

The article Why Digital Writing Matters in Education talks about teachers being pulled in different directions.  ( The meaning of writing and the meaning of writing on assessments ).  

1) Do you feel this pull in different directions?

Part 1. Introduction
Part 2. The Lives of Teens and Their Technology
Part 3. Teens and Their Writing Habits
Part 4. Electronic Communication
Part 5. The Relationship between Writing, Communication
and Technology Ownership
Part 6. Parental Attitudes Toward Writing and Technology
Part 7. The Way Teens See Their Writing and What Would
Improve It

Part 8. What Teens Tell Us Encourages Them to Write

2) Choose one of the Parts in the National Commission of Writing document to read and reflect on.  (This article was written in 2008). What are your take aways? Does the fact that this article is 5 years old change how you feel about the data?

Flipping Cohort - October 22nd Blog Post

October 22nd, 2013

Here are a few blog posts written by other teachers working on Flipping as well.  Take a look at a few of their posts.

- How My Flipped Classroom Works Until I Change It!
- WSQ ( Watch, Summarize and Question )
- Moving to a Mastery-based Model


Choose an article to reflect on.
1) What "ah ha's" or new thinking did you encounter?
2) What can you take back to your classroom and use?
3) What questions do you have?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

IL: How Strong is Your PLN?

An essential part of any teacher's 21st century professional development should include an active Personal Learning Network (PLN).  By loose definition, a PLN is the entire collection of people with whom you engage and exchange information, usually online.  PLN's can include any number of sources that a teacher can patricipate in including (but not limited to): social networking, blogging, tweeting, RSS feeds, webinars, social bookmarking and even face-to-face interactions.  The continuum over which you may or may n ot participate can vary widely depending on your comfort level;  Consider the 5 c's below:

Where would you rank your participation in PLN's on this continuum?

Now make a copy of the spreadsheet linked below and rate your own PLN.

Where did you score?  Remember there is NOT a good score or bad score.  Everyone is at a different level of developing their own PLN.

What we would like to hear from you is ... what importance do you place on a PLN in your own professional development?  Also, given your current level what steps do you plan on taking to enhance and expand your PLN in the next year.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

FLIPPED - September 10th Reflections

After the September 10th presentation by Tracy McCandless and Sheryl Goutell from Franklin Elementary School...

1) What questions do you have?

2) What challenges do you feel you will face Flipping in your school with your grade/content area.

3) How will you handle communication with your principal/parent community if you flip your classroom?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

FLIPPED: Link Your Flipped Site

As a part of the Flipped Cohort, please paste your classroom 
Flipped ( website, resource ) below.  Click Here To Add

IW: September - How writing in digital spaces provide learning opportunities you won’t get from traditional writing assignments

Read the article:

1) Which of the four (4) learning opportunities mentioned in the article do you feel is the most valuable for students to experience? Why?
  1. Digital Spaces
  2. Real Audience
  3. Collaborative writing Peer Editing
  4. Digital Citizenship

2) Which of these opportunities is the most challenging to implement in your classroom? Why?

3) Other classroom connections or thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with the article?

Monday, August 26, 2013

IL: Believing in Your Students

Watch this video ...

Share with the cohort ... What are you doing to show your students that you believe in them?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

IW: 21st Century Literacy

1) Which of the four pillars of  Literacy for the 21st Century connects with you the most?  Why?
2) Which one do you think you would need the most guidance with? Why?

Feel free to include links to resources in your response that may be helpful to other cohort members.

Below is the slideshow that we shared with you about 21st Century Literacy in LPS