Tuesday, September 10, 2013

FLIPPED - September 10th Reflections

After the September 10th presentation by Tracy McCandless and Sheryl Goutell from Franklin Elementary School...

1) What questions do you have?

2) What challenges do you feel you will face Flipping in your school with your grade/content area.

3) How will you handle communication with your principal/parent community if you flip your classroom?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

FLIPPED: Link Your Flipped Site

As a part of the Flipped Cohort, please paste your classroom 
Flipped ( website, resource ) below.  Click Here To Add

IW: September - How writing in digital spaces provide learning opportunities you won’t get from traditional writing assignments

Read the article:

1) Which of the four (4) learning opportunities mentioned in the article do you feel is the most valuable for students to experience? Why?
  1. Digital Spaces
  2. Real Audience
  3. Collaborative writing Peer Editing
  4. Digital Citizenship

2) Which of these opportunities is the most challenging to implement in your classroom? Why?

3) Other classroom connections or thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with the article?